The Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic is developing a plan on adaptation to climate changes in the Arctic
The Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic is developing a plan on adaptation to climate changes in the Russian Arctic, taking into consideration the damage to indigenous minorities' traditional economy.
5 August 2020'Temperatures in the Arctic are rising faster than in the rest of the planet. Unfortunately, these processes pose many different threats, including for traditional economic activities' said Alexander Krutikov, Deputy Minister for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic.
He explained that global warming will affect plants and animals first. For example, in areas where deer traditionally grazed, climatic changes led to changes in vegetation, which led to a reduction in the food supply.
'There are many other risks as well. We are taking them into account. Moreover, a plan is currently being developed for the adaptation of the Artctic to climate change. This document is being prepared by the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic in accordance with the national plan for adaptation to climate change. It will be ready in 2021. Today we gathered a group of 25 leading Russian scientists who are engaged in the preparation of this plan', said the Deputy Minister.