An ancestral community on the Taymyr revives domestic reindeer herding in the Avam tundra while also domesticating musk oxen
Why food security in many countries depends on ore extraction in the Khibiny Mountains
The human right to quality food is as indispensable as our right to shelter and rest. The Kirov branch of JSC Apatit helps ensure food security in Russia and around the world. The company extracts apatite concentrate in the Khibiny Mountains, which is used to produce the eco-friendly, high-phosphorus fertilisers used on all habitable continents. Apatit is the world leader in the production of apatite concentrate.
Today, the Kirov branch of JSC Apatit remains the only manufacturer of nepheline concentrate in Russia. It is used in the production of alum, which serves as an essential component of the aluminium industry. Moreover, modern agriculture cannot function without phosphorus fertilisers. The main resource used in the production of these fertilisers is apatite concentrate, which is also produced by the company. The Kirov branch of JSC Apatit is one of the primary suppliers of apatite concentrate in the world.
The apatite-nepheline ores from the Khibiny mountains are of exceptionally high quality. The phosphate materials obtained beyond the Polar Circle produce a concentrate containing at least 37.5% phosphorus. Most importantly, this ore is considered amongst the cleanest in the world. It contains practically no cadmium or other harmful alloys, which means that it can be used in the production of high-quality and eco-friendly fertilisers.
These fertilisers increase crop yield while protecting the fertility and health of the soil on which they are used. Eco-friendly fertilisers ensure that the soil and plants that cover the landscape will be pure and clean, meaning that individuals will have access to a steady supply of healthy and safe food.
This is the main reason why eco-friendly fertilisers produced with Khibiny ore are in such high demand both in Russia and abroad. The Kirov branch of JSC Apatit is currently part of the PhosAgro Group, the leading manufacturer of phosphorus fertilisers in Europe and the third-largest in the world. This polar company provides the leader of the Russian chemical industry with 100% of the raw materials used in the production of phosphorus fertilisers.
In 2014, the Kirov branch of JSC Apatit launched a comprehensive investment programme. Over the following five years, they invested more than 53 billion RUB in the development of their mining and processing facilities. The overall investment in the growth of apatite-nepheline extraction is expected to total around 86.6 billion RUB by 2035.
The Kirov branch of JSC Apatit significantly contributes to the social development of the towns in which they act as the primary employer. Every year, the company spends over 2.5 billion RUB on the implementation of large-scale social programmes in education and healthcare, support for sports and non-government initiatives, and a corporate housing programme. For them, 'social responsibility' is not just an empty phrase – it is a call to action.
An ancestral community on the Taymyr revives domestic reindeer herding in the Avam tundra while also domesticating musk oxen
A resident of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF) has opened the first ethnic food restaurant in Monchegorsk, Murmansk Region