Investment Portal of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation

Project 10070 gas tanker shown at Offshore Marintec Russia

A liquefied natural gas tanker model is being shown for the first time at the OMR 2022 shipbuilding and equipment conference and exhibition in the northern capital. The Project 10070 vessel is designed for the harsh conditions of the Arctic. Its creators are Atomenergomash and St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University.

14 September 2022

The model of a gas tanker at OMR 2022 is on display at the I. I. Afrikantov Experimental Design Bureau's stand, the Project Office for Arctic Development (POAD) reports, citing

The vessel is designed for year-round transport of liquefied natural gas along the North Sea Route corridors. The Arc8 high ice class provides for single voyages in the harsh ice conditions of the Arctic seas. The transhipment of payloads is to be carried out on Murman and Kamchatka.

The declared technical characteristics of the LNG carrier of Project 10070 are length—305 m, width—50 m, draft to waterline—10.95 m and cargo capacity—168.7 thousand cu m. The ice class is Arc8, which means passing through ice 2.1 to 3.1 m thick.

Image attribution: Shutterstock


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