Investment Portal of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation

Labytnangi wastewater treatment plant is 35% ready

The foundations for the city's collector and two sewage regulators, which ensure an even flow and treatment of wastewater, are now complete.

1 March 2023

The sewage treatment plant is now completing the installation of the wastewater outfall pipeline—its length will be 1,800 metres, half of which has already been loaded on supports and welded into a continuous channel. The news was reported by the press service of the YNAA government.

There are also three bioreactors in the treatment plant system, one of which is to be dismantled. The other two will be outfitted with new processing equipment—cassettes with special filters will be installed. They allow wastewater to be deeply cleaned of pollutants. In the first five-thousand-cubic-metre bioreactor, the interior partitions, swages and gangways are nearly assembled.

The plant's capacity of seven thousand cubic metres per day will improve environmental protection and increase the potential for new housing starts.

The wastewater treatment plant in Labytnangi is an important facility in the district's programme for completing its long construction projects, and its modernisation is in line with the priorities of the national Ecology Project. The work is scheduled to be completed in 2024.

Image attribution: Shutterstock


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