Investment Portal of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation

The State Duma passed the draft law on the northern supply in the third reading

According to preliminary estimates, the adoption of the draft law 'On Northern Supply' at the first stage will reduce the cost of life-supporting goods by an average of 15%.

20 July 2023

The State Duma of the Russian Federation considered draft federal laws 'On Northern Supply' and 'On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation' and adopted them in the second and third readings.

The draft law on northern supply envisages the creation of a unified system for managing northern supply represented by a federal coordinator, state regulation of prices, surcharges and tariffs, as well as the removal of infrastructural restrictions and the emergence of mechanisms to prevent shortages of essential goods.

The Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic will act as the single federal coordinator of the northern supply and will be responsible for the implementation of state policy and legal regulation of this process. The centralised system of northern supply management also implies the existence of an executive body in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation, where northern supply is carried out, which will be responsible for planning, organisation and coordination of northern supply in the constituent entity.


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