Investment Portal of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation

A book on the economy of the peoples of the Far North has been published

It pays special attention to the ethnic factor in entrepreneurship.

14 June 2022

The little-known history of doing business in indigenous communities of the Far North became the subject of analysis by a team of scientists. This resulted in a fascinating monograph, "Not For Profit's Sake? Economic Practices of Indigenous Peoples in the North of Russia in Market Conditions", released by the Miklukho-Maklai Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology under the Russian Academy of Sciences, according to a news report on the website of the Project Office for Arctic Development.

The 400-page book, edited by history Ph.D Elena Pivneva, describes the business activities and economic characteristics of the indigenous peoples of Chukotka, Obdorsk North, Yugra, Yakutia, Kamchatka, Murman, and Sakhalin in different political eras. Particular attention is paid to the ethnic factor in entrepreneurship.

The research delves into the history of local fairs, the Sami people's involvement in the Kola trade, entrepreneurship among the Teleuts, private reindeer breeding among the Siberian Nenets, cattle breeding in the hard-to-reach Anabarsky Region, and the market economy of the Northern Priobye Region. Experts approached the phenomenon from the socio-anthropological analysis standpoint. All of the chapters in the monograph are based on personal archives and field practice in the Far North. Some of the authors are indigenous themselves.

For the reader's convenience, the monograph is divided into three thematic parts: Regional Models of Indigenous Entrepreneurship, Microeconomic Practices and Social Relations, and Excerpts from the History of Modern Economic Practices.

Image attribution: Shutterstock


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