The first 100 participants of the Arctic Challenge talk about their plans for the development of northern regions
The first full-time stage of the Arctic Challenge programme, a project of the Far East Development Corporation and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives supported by the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic, took place in Moscow.
18 August 2022The first 100 candidates for managerial positions in the Arctic zone gathered for a face-to-face selection and proposed solutions to the real challenges facing the area. Aleksey Chekunkov, Minister for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic, Elvira Nurgalieva, First Deputy General Director for Social Development of the Far East Development Corporation, and Yulia Khanzhina, ASI's Young Professionals Deputy Director, evaluated the results of this work.
'Most of Russia's territory is the north. The problem is not that the Arctic is empty and cold but that the motivation is down. In the Arkhangelsk Region, for example, companies have average salaries of RUB 170,000 at a modern, technologically advanced company in the mining industry, which traditionally pays higher wages. The secret of Arctic development is some kind of a concentration of the characters of courageous people who mine diamonds, serve on submarines, build submarines and are just decent people. The Arctic creators and entrepreneurship are there. We need to invest not in promoting character but in building culture, really bringing people together and forming fraternity and character. Working in the north and in the regional development system is not a sprint but a marathon, where every day is unpredictable, every day must show arctic character,' said Aleksey Chekunkov.
In total, almost 1,000 applications have been submitted to the programme to recruit, select and assess staff for management teams in nine areas: urban planning and housing and utilities; media and information technology; economics and management; medicine and healthcare; education and culture; environmental management and ecology; tourism and sport; energy and industry; social sphere. The most attractive region was the Murmansk Region.
'The Arctic Challenge has already been accepted by everyone in the room. This is a serious bet by people who have established themselves as professionals and are ready to make a dramatic change in their personal and professional development way. The Arctic is definitely for brave people, and this contest gives many opportunities to get to know each other and form teams. The sheer scale of infrastructure and technology projects, the development of tourism and the planned changes in the social and urban environment in the Arctic regions show us that absolutely everyone will find a task to perform. By taking up this challenge, the contestants get to see areas for their development, areas to deepen their skills and acquire new knowledge,' explained Yulia Khanzhina.
Applications come from the Moscow Region, Rostov Region, Irkutsk Region, Perm Territory, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area — Yugra, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, Tyumen Region and the Komi Republic. The most active participants in the Arctic Challenge were residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, so the first face-to-face qualifying event takes place in Moscow.
In the first stage, a candidate ranking was calculated on the basis of a mathematical model that took into account the correspondence of the questionnaire data and the candidates' specific professional knowledge with the stated requirements of the employers. As a result of the calculations, 216 candidates were invited to participate in the in-person phase. During group work, participants are assessed by experts from federal projects, including the Far Eastern Challenge and Russian Leaders.
At the end of the first stage, the organisers will prepare a portfolio for each participant: with a detailed CV, an analysis of strengths and competencies and the most effective industries. A new face-to-face stage is also being prepared for the next set of participants.
Recall that applications to take part in the Arctic Challenge project are being accepted on the project's official website until 30 September. You can apply for one or more recruitment areas, online recruitment, group and individual meetings with experts and potential employers. The Russians who accepted the challenge will receive their first job offers at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. EEF 2022 will take place on Russky Island from 5 to 8 September. The forum is operated by the Roscongress Foundation.
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