Investment Portal of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation

The Far East Development Corporation presents a specialist training mechanisms for North Sea Route enterprises

A project office comprised of the Corporation's experts, representatives from educational institutions and key NSR enterprises is proposed to be formed.

8 April 2022

The Far East Development Corporation (FEDC) proposed to include the North Sea Route projects in the staffing mechanism for residents of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF). For this purpose, a special project office may be formed. It will include the Corporation's experts, representatives from educational institutions and key enterprises of NSR; its formation was discussed at the Prospects of Employment of Educational Institutions Graduates for Maintaining the North Sea Route Conference.

'The key challenge today is to form a connection between the institution and the employer even before there is a vacancy. We are already working with residents of the ASRF, forming a list of predicted in-demand specialities, interacting with the authorities and educational institutions to create budgetary places for the training of this personnel. We propose to consider the possibility of creating a project office for staffing the NSR companies on the basis of FEDC,' said Hasan Hasanbalayev, Director of the FEDC Department of Human Resources.

During his speech, he presented a mechanism for substituting staffing needs with targeted training to meet the demands of Arctic investors. The main elements of this work are the increase in the number of budgetary places, the creation of new educational programmes, targeted training, career guidance activities, visits of the AZRF enterprises' representatives to educational institutions and the patronage of companies over schools.


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