Investment Portal of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation

The Arctic Research Centre developed a state standard (GOST) for additive technologies in shipbuilding

The project of the research and education centre is developing a direction related to components and parts of equipment in the field of reverse engineering.

10 November 2023

New principles for certifying materials for creating ship parts using 3D printing are being prepared by participants of the scientific and educational centre—scientists from the Central Research Institute of Structural Materials 'Prometey,' Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (Polytech), St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University (Korabelka), SAFU and the Onega Research and Development Design and Technology Bureau. According to the proposed regulation, a specific developed additive technology for shipbuilding will be approved, not individual materials. This is reported by RG.

The GOST for additive technologies in shipbuilding and ship repair, developed by the Russian Arctic Research Centre, will enable the adoption of a new certification principle for the Maritime Register—the primary state technical supervision classifier in shipping.

3D printing of complex structural components is already extensively utilised in the Russian automotive, aviation and space industries. However, its widespread implementation in shipbuilding was uncertain due to specificities related to the maritime register and military acceptance.

Image attribution: Shutterstock


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