Investment Portal of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation

Arktika-M hydrometeorological satellite No. 2 passed vacuum tests

The first Arktika-M spacecraft was launched into the target orbit in February 2021, with the second satellite scheduled for launch in late 2023.

14 July 2023

The Arktika-M hydrometeorological spacecraft No. 2 returned to the Lavochkin Research and Production Association, which for three weeks underwent comprehensive electrical tests in the thermal vacuum chamber of the Research and Testing Centre of the Rocket and Space Industry (part of Roscosmos State Corporation). This was reported by the press service of Roscosmos.

These tests are one of the most important stages of acceptance testing, upon completion of which a decision is made on the suitability of the satellite for its intended use.

The test results are positive and the performance of the spacecraft systems under conditions close to normal operation has been confirmed. The Arktika-M satellite No. 2 will continue the cycle of ground-based experimental testing at the developer's facility.


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