Инвестиционный портал Арктической зоны России

Cruise Tourism Will Increase Chukotka Earnings

10 ноября 2020

Alexander Sysoev, Acting Head of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Government of the Chukotka Autonomous Area reported to TASS that an increase in the number of organised tourist groups upon the implementation of the tourism development programme in Chukotka, which was included in the federal strategy for the development of the Arctic, would significantly increase the revenue of the region’s budget.

The promotion of Arctic cruise tourism, the formation of new tourist clusters and the improvement of the transport and logistics infrastructure in Chukotka were included in the strategy for the development of the Russian Arctic Zone and national security for the period until 2035, approved in late October by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“For the tourism industry of the Chukotka Autonomous Area, guests arriving on cruise ships are, in fact, an organised tourist flow. About 80 % of cruise passengers spend between RUB 4000 to RUB 20,000 per day on the shore. Cruise tourism is one of the most promising areas for developing the economy of the Far East and the Arctic, increasing the income of the regions,” Sysoev said.

Chukotka offers tourists a unique product, from city tours in Anadyr to polar bears visits on Wrangel Island.


