Инвестиционный портал Арктической зоны России

A Draft of the Support Programme for Small Indigenous Communities in the Arctic Has Been Prepared

The Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and the Human Capital Development Agency of the Far East and the Arctic have prepared a draft of the programme for state support of the traditional economic activities of small indigenous communities living in the Arctic regions of Russia

9 октября 2020

The state support programme for traditional economic activity was created to increase the competitive performance of goods and services by small indigenous communities in the Arctic and form a stable basis for their development.

To promote tourism in places of traditional economic activity for small indigenous communities, a number of tourism projects will be selected annually and campaigns will be organised for the promotion of tourism services on the global and domestic markets, involving the distribution of information on national and regional resources and the creation of digital services for cultural and educational tourism.

The Russian Arctic is home to 19 small indigenous communities, whose legacies possess immense historic and cultural value for the entire planet. According to the 2010 Russian Census, 102,000 people live in the small indigenous communities in the Arctic regions of Russia.


