Ministry for The Development of The Russian Far East Prepares Standard of Responsibility for the Indigenous Peoples of Arctic
The document is designed to improve their quality of life
25 сентября 2020The Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East has presented their standard of responsibility for the residents of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation when interacting with the indigenous peoples. The document has been published on the website for draft regulatory legal acts.
The objective of the document is to outline standards for residents regarding their interactions with indigenous minorities. Residents who sign the agreement must promote the sustainable development of the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation and commit to improving their quality of life and preserving their original habitat. In addition, they must focus their activity on the socio-economic development of the territories where the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation live, as well as accept feedback from the indigenous peoples by considering their proposals and claims regarding the activities of the residents of the Arctic zone.
The principles stipulated in the document also require public access to all activities of Arctic residents for the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation and their organisations, as well as government authorities of the Russian Federation on all environmental and socio-economic issues related to the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation. In addition, residents should actively work to minimise the negative impact and risks of industrial activities by economic entities, taking into account the vulnerability of the indigenous peoples in the region.
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