Инвестиционный портал Арктической зоны России

AHCD is working on ideas to promote nomadic education

2 декабря 2020

The AHCD has hosted a round-table at the Arctic School in Kustur, Eveno-Bytaniysky Ulus, Yakutia, to discuss ways to promote nomadic education in the region, according to the press office of the Agency for Human Capital Development in the Russian Far East.

The event was attended by Deputy Minister of the Arctic in the government of Yakutia Mikhail Pogodayev, Chair of the Permanent Committee on Indigenous Minorities and Arctic Affairs at the State Assembly of Yakutia Elena Golomareva, the Ulus mayor and members of the local community. The Arctic School's teachers have informed those present that the Kustur school successfully delivers traditional education to children from Arctic indigenous backgrounds, and has won 1st Degree Diploma and a Makarenko Medal at the international competition of rural schools with its Nomadic School project. What makes this school unique is that when the pupils who learn while leading a nomadic lifestyle and pursuing traditional primary occupations settle down in the Arctic they preserve their ethnic and cultural identity intact.

The action plan of AHCD's Federal Cross-Agency Work-Group on workforce training from the number of indigenous minorities will see a report and a list of proposals leading to the establishment of a legal framework for the delivery of professional training to persons from indigenous backgrounds, and of general education to children leading a nomadic and/or semi-nomadic lifestyle together with their parents.



