The quality of human capital in the Arctic zone of Russia was discussed in Arkhangelsk
Socio-economic development and the structure of employment in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation has a number of features
25 сентября 2020In particular, the region is characterized by low population density, focal nature of economic activity, remoteness of settlements from economic centers and from each other. The key role is played by social infrastructure, primarily educational, health care and cultural institutions, while the structure of the economy is dominated by large projects for the extraction, processing and transportation of minerals. Employment in the public sector remains high. The shift method remains a widespread method of attracting personnel.
In accordance with the draft Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation and Ensuring National Security, more than 200 thousand new jobs will be created in the region by 2035. This means that the demand for higher education programs, secondary vocational education, as well as programs of additional vocational education will increase.
Representatives of NArFU highly appreciated the necessity and practical significance of collecting and analyzing the need for personnel of employers in the Russian Arctic, which has now been initiated by the Agency for the Development of Human Capital in the Far East and the Arctic. Such a study is already being carried out at the request of Agency by the Petrozavodsk State University and NArFU. The scope of the study is all municipalities included in the Arctic zone of Russia from nine Arctic regions of the Russian Federation. More than half of the employing companies in the Arctic, including all large ones, will take part in the survey. Based on the results of the study, in the second half of November, proposals will be prepared for the development of the vocational education system for training highly-demanded specialists.
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