Инвестиционный портал Арктической зоны России

Northern Fleet And Russian Geographical Society Complete Research In Chukchi Sea

'The integrated expeditionary unit of the Northern Fleet and the Russian Geographical Society to the Arctic, located on the Ilya Muromets icebreaker, has completed its missions in the eastern regions of the Chukchi Sea', TASS news agency reported.

28 сентября 2020

According to the Northern Fleet, during its work in the Chukchi Sea, the expeditionary unit explored the places associated with the Arctic Ocean Hydrographic Expedition that took place in 1910–1915

In the Chukchi Sea, the expeditionary unit of the Northern Fleet and the Russian Geographical Society succeeded in examining the Chelyuskin steamer, which was crushed by ice and sank in 1934 in the Chukchi Sea. 'Using a multi-beam echo sounder, the researchers carried out a three-dimensional acoustic survey of the sunken ship. For the first time, it was possible to make a video recording of the Chelyuskin steamship using the unmanned underwater vehicle Marlin-350', TASS reported.

'This is the first high-quality filming of the steamship. So far, no one has ever made clear shots, because the area where the ship sank (not far from the Bering Strait) has a heavy current and turbid water', the website of the Russian Geographical Society says.

The members of the expedition also made a number of observations of the largest walrus rookery on the Chukotka coast.


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