Инвестиционный портал Арктической зоны России

Human Capital Development Centre to be Launched in Arkhangelsk

The Agency for the Development of Human Capital in the Far East and the Arctic, together with the Government of the Arkhangelsk Region, the Agency for the Development of the Arkhangelsk Region, the WorldSkills Union of Young Professionals, the Northern (Arctic) Federal University and the Northern State Medical University, will open the Human Capital Development Centre in Arkhangelsk.

9 июля 2020
Фото: Shutterstock

The main goal of the new project is to build a career guidance system for high school students, help young people get vocational training and promote the employment of young specialists at enterprises in the Russian Arctic zone.

Already this year, 50 young people are to undergo internships and get an opportunity to find jobs at the regional enterprises.

Изображения: Shutterstock


