Инвестиционный портал Арктической зоны России

Comfortable conditions for businesses and residents: what expect in Arctic in 2021

Despite the difficult epidemiological situation, the Arctic agenda was actively discussed at a number of venues throughout 2020.

24 декабря 2020
Фото: Shutterstock

Perhaps no forum was held without discussions on the preparation of Russia's chairmanship in the Arctic Council in the period from 2021 to 2023. This topic runs like a red thread through all the business programs of the forums.

The transfer takes place every two years between eight Arctic States. Among them are Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States. The responsible mission of the presidency will be transferred to our country in may 2012.

"We have a long history of working well together. We look forward to implementing the ambitious Russian program. And we expect that the presidency of the Russian Federation will be a joyful time for all of us, thanks to such a strong role of Russia,” said Ambassador of Iceland to Russia Henri Thor Sigurdsson at the international forum “Days of the Arctic and Antarctic in Moscow”. "We look forward to Russia's presidency of the Council. Sweden is ready to cooperate with the Russian Federation on all necessary issues, " Swedish Ambassador Louis Kale echoed him at the X international forum "the Arctic: present and future" in St. Petersburg.

According to Mikhail Bryukhanov, Deputy head of Rossotrudnichestvo, the Agency has planned more than 200 international events for 2021-2022. "Their main topics are intercultural interaction, youth cooperation, support for the culture of the Northern peoples, as well as promotion of the investment potential of Russian regions on international platforms," he said.

Among the goals set by Russia during its chairmanship of the Arctic Council are improving the quality of life in the region, addressing environmental issues and developing Arctic shipping along the Northern sea route.

At the same time, according to Vladimir Panov, Deputy Chairman of the state Commission for the development of the Arctic, special representative of the state Corporation Rosatom, in the medium term, Russia will have the largest icebreaker group in the Arctic.

"We are creating the most modern nuclear icebreaker fleet in the world. These are five active icebreakers, four project 22220 icebreakers under construction and the Leader nuclear icebreaker, which has no analogues, " he noted at the international forum “Days of the Arctic and Antarctic.

Comfortable conditions for business and residents of the Arctic

Much attention in the coming years will be paid to creating comfortable living conditions for residents of the Arctic. "Along with economic development, social development is important for the Arctic. It is necessary that the Arctic zone grows with new cities and residents, for this it is necessary, first of all, to make it comfortable for living," said Igor Ananskikh, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

And here one of the main tasks is to prevent the outflow of people from the Northern Arctic cities. This can only be done with the help of the Federal authorities. According to Nikolai Kharitonov, Chairman of the state Duma Committee on regional policy and problems of the North and Far East, "creating favorable conditions for comfortable living and working in the Arctic is, first of all, the task of the Federal center."

At the same time, as noted by the President of The international Association of Arctic social Sciences Andrey Petrov, in the near future, in particular, a two-year scholarship will be introduced for young scientists and representatives of small Nations in the working group on sustainable development.

Also among the priorities for the development of the Arctic is the creation of comfortable conditions for doing business. The draft law on the creation of a preferential regime for the development of the Arctic shelf has been submitted to the Russian government, said Alexander Krutikov, first Deputy Minister for the development of the Far East and the Arctic.

Изображения: Shutterstock

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